4 research outputs found

    The role of the organizational and operational dimensions in the open collaboration performance: a strategic alignment perspective

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    Purpose –The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the business model and the strategic intent to adopt an open collaboration initiative influence the perceived quality of collaboration outcomes. Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents a framework to analyze the role of the strategic dimension and the operational dimension in open collaboration initiatives through multiple case studies in three companies to understand how the open collaboration initiative was deployed and how was the level of the alignment between these two dimensions.  Findings – The studied cases revealed that when an open collaboration initiative starts in the strategic dimension and there is an alignment between the organizational dimension and operational dimension the collaboration outcomes are clearer and more traceable. Research implications –The study highlights the need to consider the involvement and the internal alignment between strategic and operational dimensions when deploying an open collaboration activity if they want to achieve all the benefits. Practical implications – The presented framework can help managers to evaluate and understand how open collaboration activities are deployed within the company. Social implications – The study shows that when an open collaboration initiative is planned, its results and benefits can be extended to local communities by developing them. Originality/value - This study aims to analyze the open collaboration initiative's contribution to the overall organizational performance through the alignment between the organizational dimension and operational dimension perspective

    Open collaboration in the organizations and the organizational performance.

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    A colaboração aberta tem se apresentada cada vez mais como uma forma das organizações melhorarem sua competitividade e a sua capacidade de inovação. Depois de um pouco mais de dez anos desde que o conceito foi lançado é preciso começar a consolidá-lo em termos de quais aspectos devem ser observados ao implementar uma iniciativa de colaboração aberta e como mensurar estes resultados. Indo um pouco mais além, é preciso compreender a influência que o desempenho da colaboração aberta tem sobre o desempenho organizacional. No entanto, este tem sido um ponto que ainda gera muitas discussões. Não há ainda um consenso em como mensurar e o que deve ser mensurado para que os reais benefícios da colaboração aberta possam ser identificados. Dado o contexto acima, esta tese se propôs a investigar como as organizações buscam mensurar os impactos da prática da colaboração aberta e compreender se existe uma relação positiva entre o desempenho da colaboração e o desempenho organizacional. Adicionalmente, esta tese investigou a relevância dos fatores influenciadores do desempenho da colaboração aberta indicados na literatura. Como abordagem metodológica foi escolhida a abordagem mista entre a pesquisa qualitativa e a pesquisa quantitativa. A pesquisa qualitativa foi realizada por meio de um estudo de caso em quatro empresas de grande porte. Os resultados trouxeram importantes percepções quanto à importância da existência de uma orientação estratégica para a implementação de um projeto de colaboração aberta. Para a pesquisa quantitativa foi proposto um instrumento de pesquisa para avaliar a relevância do relacionamento entre o desempenho da colaboração aberta (DCOL) e o desempenho organizacional (DORG). Este instrumento também avaliou qual a relevância que os fatores influenciadores Tecnologia da Informação (TEC), Motivação para iniciar um projeto de colaboração aberta (MOT), o papel desempenhado pelos colaboradores (USU) e a tipologia adotada para operacionalizar a colaboração (TIP) têm sobre o desempenho da colaboração aberta. Para a análise dos dados foi aplicada a técnica da Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (MEE) com estimação pelo método Partial Least Squares (PLS), por meio do software SmartPLS 3.2.1. Os resultados indicaram uma relação significativa entre o DCOL e DORG.Open collaboration has presented itself as an important way for organizations to improve their competitiveness and their ability to innovate. A little more than ten years has passed since the concept was launched, but it is still necessary to make advances in order to consolidate the concept in terms of what aspects are important to implement an open collaborative initiative and how to measure these results. Moreover, it is necessary a better understanding about open collaboration influence over the organizational performance. There is no consensus about how to measure and what should be measured in order to identify the real benefits of open collaboration. Grounded in the literature and the gap mentioned, this thesis aimed at investigating how organizations are measuring the open collaboration performance and also to understand if there is a positive correlation between collaboration performance and organizational performance. Additionally, this thesis also aimed at understanding the relevance of the open collaboration influencing factors. A mixed method research was employed. The qualitative research was carried out through a case study in four large companies. The results brought important insights regarding the importance of strategic orientation for the implementation of an open collaborative project. For the quantitative research, an instrument was proposed to assess the relevance of the relationship between open collaboration performance (DCOL) and organizational performance (DORG). This instrument also assessed the relevance of the open collaboration influencing factors over open collaboration performance: Information Technology (CET), Motivation to initiate an open collaboration project (MOT), the role played by users (USU) and the typology adopted to operationalize the collaboration (TIP). To analyze the data a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique was applied with estimation method Partial Least Squares (PLS) using the software SmartPLS 3.2.1. The structural model analysis showed significant relationship between DCOL and DORG

    The influence of information technology in the personalization strategy in the brazilian companies.

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    A internet introduziu uma nova economia a economia da era digital, em que todos os consumidores e empresas estão em rede. A economia tradicional foi fragmentada, convertendo cada vez mais os mercados de massa em mercados de nicho. E os impactos destas transformações podem ser sentidos nas estruturas organizacionais, no ambiente econômico e nas relações entre as pessoas. Diante destas transformações, as empresas têm repensado os seus modelos de negócios e suas estratégias competitivas. No centro destas transformações se encontra o cliente, antes visto como passivo, hoje é considerado um recurso e competência da companhia. Para atender a este novo fator, a estratégia de personalização tem sido adotada pelas companhias. A personalização visa atender à necessidade dos clientes de personalizar não apenas o produto fisicamente, mas a sua experiência no momento da compra. É neste contexto que este trabalho é desenvolvido, com o objetivo de buscar um melhor entendimento de como a Tecnologia da Informação tem impactado e influenciado os fatores que habilitam a estratégia de personalização. Para atingir o objetivo, inicialmente foi feita uma ampla pesquisa bibliografia para identificar os fatores que influenciam a personalização. Em seguida, através da abordagem de estudos de caso múltiplos foi investigado se estes fatores ocorriam empiricamente e como eles ocorriam. Os resultados encontrados permitiram identificar divergências e concordâncias nas afirmações encontradas na literatura, que ao final fornecem refinamento e a necessidade de uma maior reflexão sobre os fatores que tem influenciado e direcionado a personalização.The internet introduced a new economy the economy in the digital era, in which all the consumers and the companies are connected. The traditional economy was fragmented, converting the mass markets into niche markets. And these changes are impacting the organizational structures, the economic environment and the human relations. To cope with these transformations, companies have to rethink their business models and their competitive strategies. In the middle of these transformations is the customer, former seeing as passive, now is considered a company resource and a competence to pursue. In order to attend to this new factor, the personalization strategy has being adopted by the companies. The personalization\'s goal is to attend the customer\'s need for personalization, not only physically modifying the product, but creating their own experience in the buying process. This is the context where this research occurs, with the objective of achieving a better understanding about how the Information Technology impacts and influences the personalization strategy enablers. In order to achieve the objective, a broad literature research was initially made to identify the personalization influencing factors. Following, through a multiple case study approach, it was investigated if these factors could be found empirically and how they were occurring. The results allowed the identification of divergences and concordances in the facts found in literature that ultimately provides theory refinement and the necessity of a deeper reflection about the factors that are influencing and driving the personalization

    The importance of the learning cycle in the process of open innovation in a multinational company

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    Since the concept of open innovation was introduced in the marketplace, publications in the business and information technology areas have been populated with studies relating collaboration, innovation and open innovation . However, in a closer look, what is usually seen is that both, companies and academics, are still trying to understand how to implement the practice and principles o f o pen innovation. Some niche companies have applied open innovation and collaboration principles and implemented what is called open innovation platform and have been successful in the market. But most of the companies, are still trying to figure out how to integrate these new concepts to their business processes. Through a longitudinal and qualitative research approach was developed in order to investigate how a multinational company established in Brazil, implemented an open innovation initiative. The first initiatives undertaken by this company in the OI area were below the expectations but the learning cycle and the adoption of new technology determined how to plan the next initiatives. Results indicate that at each learning cycle, they achieve better outcome